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2022 (1)
Robertas Sapalas

Robertas Sapalas

CEO at Brandnomika
Message Message me Posts: 1 Comments: 1
Bio I am the CEO of communication agency Brandnomika. Our one of our main partners are fintechs. Career History I have created and implemented communications strategies across social media for brands such as the ISM University of Management and Economics, risk capital fund Nextury Ventures, All Media Lithuania (formerly TV3 Group), Telia Lietuva, SME Finance and others, helping businesses become more visible and achieve their goals faster and more effectively.



The sea of digitalisation continues getting deeper. How will digital banks move forward in 2022?

14 Feb 2022

By trying to keep pace with the latest technologies. This is how digital banks have moved forward in recent years and how they have continued to grow even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. And it's obvious that they will continue to grow, as each of us now understands what it means to get productive services quickly and remotely. But lookin