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2021 (2)
Emily Oliveira

Emily Oliveira

Content Marketer at DCR Strategies Inc. | TruCash
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7 Ways Businesses Can Leverage Prepaid Cards Instead of Cash

03 Nov 2021

Both businesses and customers are trading in their cash for new payment solutions. Cash use has declined in recent years due to its inconvenience and transferability of germs. In Canada, 57% of people use cash less often than in prior years, and the prepaid card market in the U.S. is expected to grow 6% each year until 2024. The pandemic has acce...


Current Contactless Payment Trends in Canada

18 Oct 2021

Just tap and pay. A few seconds is all it takes to use a contactless card and make your in-store purchase. Whether you use a prepaid, credit, debit card or mobile device to tap, contactless payments save you from swiping and typing a PIN. A global study conducted by Mastercard last year found that 79% of consumers worldwide frequently use contactl...