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2021 (3) 2020 (2)
David Fagleman

David Fagleman

Director at Enryo
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Financial Inclusion

The Bank of England needs to stop talking about cash in circulation

28 Jun 2021

Last Wednesday the new polymer £50 banknote, featuring Alan Turing, entered circulation, representing the final phase of UK currency modernisation, a project that started in 2015 with the polymer £5, followed by the 12-sided £1 coin (2016), the polymer £10 (2017) and polymer £20 (2020). With Scottish and Northern Irish note issuers also modernisi...

Financial Inclusion

What does 2021 have in store for cash?

13 Jan 2021

For the best part of the past decade the use of cash for day-to-day transactions has been declining as people became more confident using Chip & Pin, contactless and mobile options, as well as increasingly opting for online shopping in favour of the high street. According to UK Finance, cash accounted for 20.4bn transactions in 2010 (c.58% o...

Digital Identity Management

Make it a new year’s resolution to be more careful with what’s in your wallet

05 Jan 2021

Digital enthusiasts commonly portray a future in which technology has eradicated crime. Indeed, one of the most loved arguments for a cashless society is that without physical money criminals will be unable to operate, surveillance will protect good citizens that have nothing to hide, and people will be less likely to lose, misplace or be conned o...

Financial Inclusion

Access to Cash Review - legislation is needed to ensure people aren’t left behind.

08 Dec 2020

On November 25th, the government’s call for evidence into plans to protect access to cash closed for submissions. The centrepiece of the proposals involved a change in legislation to allow cashback to be offered at shops without consumers having to make a purchase, as well as making the Financial Conduct Authority responsible for ensuring the cas...