Little Rock
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2020 (3)
Nicholas Bradford

Nicholas Bradford

Associate Global Product Marketer at Euronet Software Solutions
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Enabling Instant Payments Doesn’t Happen in an Instant

09 Jul 2020

The adoption of instant payments, nearly doubling over each of the past five years, has motivated countries to implement their own Instant Payment networks. These national networks seek to create a streamlined and regulated channel by which instant payments can thrive in a controlled and trackable environment. Some of the earliest adopters include...



Corporate Responsibility

08 Jul 2020

Arkansas has 31,834 registered nonprofit organizations supporting or advocating for health, education, religion, the environment, food relief, and countless other services. In order to fulfill their missions, they rely on grants, private donations, volunteers, and community support. I have a personal passion for works of public service. After m


Do Those Website Cookies Come in Chocolate Chip?

30 Jun 2020

Who doesn’t love cookies? There are so many different kinds: chocolate chip, oatmeal, peanut butter, internet… wait, what? In the banking and payments sectors, we’re always thinking about security. Both GDPR and the new California Privacy Rights and Enforcement Act of 2020 revolve around consumer security, and as many of us are now working from ...


What Remote Workers Can Learn from Ma Bell

26 Jun 2020

Many people around the world are working from home lately. This means many of us are in meetings online using tools like Zoom, WebEx, Teams, Slack, Google Hangouts, or a number of others. They’re all pretty easy to use, but there are some tips that can help make your virtual collaborations even better. Use a headset Remember way back in the olde...