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2021 (4)
Alex Robinson

Alex Robinson

Fraud Analytics at TSB
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Financial Risk Management

Workforce behaviour modelling: get proactive about insider fraud

01 Dec 2021

Unsecured systems and processes can be remarkably easy to exploit. Just imagine a banking call centre, where employees process payments on behalf of customers every day. Before the world changed in early 2020, call centre supervisors could control and monitor employee access to customers’ information and money. When that work went remote, supervi...

Financial Risk Management

Is Business Email Compromise the King of Scams?

17 Nov 2021

Globally, there’s been a great deal of media attention on payment scams affecting consumers, and rightly so. In late September of last year, the U.K. Financial Ombudsman Service received more than 5,000 complaints and requests for help with fraud and scams from U.K. consumers, an increase of 66% year-over-year. That same month, UK Finance reported...

Open Banking

Will Open Banking lead to the Next Wave of the UK's Fraud Epidemic?

12 May 2021

As Open Banking (OB) in the UK prepares to accelerate, have the fears around security and fraud risks gone away? When OB launched to great fanfare in 2017, there were concerns from banks about the security and fraud risks - have these materialised, been mitigated or do they remain, lurking in the shadows? When OB launched in the UK it was meant t...


Financial Risk Management

UK Fraud Epidemic is Everybody’s Problem but Nobody’s Priority

15 Apr 2021

In the UK, fraud accounts for more than 50% of reported crime; yet less than 1% of police time is spent investigating it. Several weeks ago, I wrote an article about the UK fraud epidemic, based on a BBC article and think tank report. The overall conclusion was that fraud was not being taken seriously by UK government and law enforcement, and tha...

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