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2021 (1) 2020 (3)
Lisa Fretwell

Lisa Fretwell

Managing Director of Data Services at Experian
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Financial Inclusion

Comparison services can help the financially excluded get access to affordable credit

12 Apr 2021

Covid-19 has had a profound financial impact on everyone, with 40% of people experiencing a pandemic-related income shock. While some can fall back on their savings or access credit to soften the blow, it can be much more damaging for those who are financially excluded. This consequence can be severe and far-reaching – affecting someone’s educatio...

Open Banking

Data holds the key for lenders to say 'yes' to home buyers

30 Jul 2020

When Chancellor Rishi Sunak stood up in parliament to increase the stamp duty threshold to £500,000 until March next year, he intended to wake the UK’s property market from its slumber. The Covid-19 pandemic put any plans people had for moving on hold. In the middle of April, our data shows mortgage applications dropped to a fifth of the levels rec...

Contributed Data

Helping people to build their financial resilience

08 Jun 2020

What can you do to support financially stressed customers? That’s the big question facing financial services right now, as rapid changes to millions of people’s incomes, triggered by the Covid-19 outbreak, mean lenders are being looked to for additional help over the coming months. Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics revealed al...

Trends in Financial Services

How can financial services respond to the Covid-19 pandemic?

23 Apr 2020

The circumstances we find ourselves in are unparalleled and changing daily. The way we prepare to weather the impact in the short term will be key to making sure its long-term effects are contained as much as possible – both for our customers and for our own businesses. However, even during these challenging conditions, across all industries we ar...