René Hendrikse

René Hendrikse

Vice President & Managing Director, EMEA & LATAM at Mitek
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Bio I head Mitek's business in EMEA. I work with big businesses striving to achieve ambitious digital transformation goals. Career History In my 20-year career, I have worked for global technology companies such as BMI and Verizon. In the ever changing world of fintech, businesses must keep growing security threats in check. To achieve this, boardrooms need to put identity verification at the top of their agendas.


Information Security

Here’s why (and how) the world should remove the need for passwords

06 Jul 2022

Are you a good password user? If you have different passwords for every account, each a unique configuration of letters, numbers, capitals, and symbols, perhaps you are. No one can access your accounts. Including you. Today, to access our many online accounts, each of us has an average of a hundred passwords. We need the accounts to access modern l...

Digital Identity Management

Learning to trust in a scam pandemic

16 Nov 2021

We've witnessed a sharp upstick in fraud cases and scams since the onset of COVID-19, but that's not to say technology within the banking industry hasn't improved. Now, it's getting tougher to crack someone’s bank account open via a brute force attack – as it should be. According to a recent Javelin identity fraud report fraud loss amounted to a w...

Online Banking

Winning our trust: what banks can do post-pandemic

07 Jun 2021

When it comes to choosing where to go for holidays, or which restaurants to eat out at and what exactly we want to eat, we usually stick to what we are familiar with. Then came 2020 and the tables were turned: new experiences became everyday norms, and everyday norms became a distant memory. Since the pandemic, we have become reliant on technology...

Digital Identity Management

Why the Zoom cat filter raises banking security questions

25 Mar 2021

Since the onset of pandemic, digital tools have been a means of survival across many industries. Remote working, distance learning, online shopping, virtual GP appointments, and even digital court hearings have all enabled us to continue to function as a society – albeit with a few changes here and there. However, the shift has been far from a se...