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2019 (1)
Tim Deeson

Tim Deeson

CEO at GreenShoot Labs
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Bio GreenShoot Labs is a leading London-based AI innovation studio, specialising in AI strategy, data and conversational applications that applied across banking and finance, and all areas of customer service. Career History I have been helping clients innovate with emerging technology since 2001 when I founded Deeson, a leading digital agency and open source advocate which has focused on initiatives including a secure research Government system for UK social workers, and web platforms for BBC Worldwide.


Customer Service 2015-2019-2025

Challenger Banks Must Lead with Chatbot Innovation

24 Jun 2019

Too often organisations have used automation technologies such as chatbots as a ‘first line of defence’ against their customers, when actually there is often more valuable opportunity to create new and entirely novel experiences for customers. While larger banks often consider automation solely or primarily a cost reduction exercise, challenger ba...