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2018 (1)
Adrian Black

Adrian Black

Founder at NorthRow
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Bio Adrian is the Founder of NorthRow which helps regulated clients to onboard clients more efficiently. NorthRow's single API facilitates efficient AML/KYC Checks, Identity Verification and Client Suitability and Appropriateness Checks. Career History Adrian founded NorthRow to help businesses to reduce the risk of financial crime by providing highly configurable real time risk scoring on people, companies & ID documents in onboarding and monitoring use cases.


Digital Banking Trends

Remote Reality?: Demand for secure, remote customer onboarding

04 Jul 2018

The financial services industry is facing an unprecedented changing landscape of customer expectations and technology. There has been a significant rise of branchless challenger banks (such as Starling), as well as an increasing need for large incumbents to offer remote onboarding as they prune their branch networks. These changes are driving a ra...