Key elements for digital transformation

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This content has been created by the Finextra editorial team with inputs from subject matter experts at the funding sponsor.

Bruno Cambounet, VP finance services and insurance industries, global programmes, Axway, explains how banks will be viewed in the future, their relationship to digital natives, the required elements for digital transformation and how banks can avoid becoming pipes in the overall ecosystem.

Comments: (1)

Gerard Hergenroeder

Gerard Hergenroeder Retired IBMer and Banking Executive at Payments Shark

The technical elements for digital transformation are not mobile related since that's a given. The real heavy lifting are the following key elements:

1.) real time access to and management of data, both structured and non-structured -- data is a bank's natural resource!

2.) analytics that enables rich predictive market & customer insights, real time liquidity management, better risk management, and improved operational & sales efficiency

3.) an architectural framework