Thought Leadership

Is Request-to-Pay the “missing piece of the puzzle” in the instant payment value chain?

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This content has been created by the Finextra editorial team with inputs from subject matter experts at the funding sponsor.

In the lead-up to EBAday 2022, Jean-Philippe Joliveau, Senior Commercial Development Manager at NexiGroup, speaks about instant payment uptake and where we are up to today, what impact Request to Pay is having on the payment experience for end-users in the European payments’ ecosystem and how Nexi Group is supporting the development of an ecosystem that will benefit both businesses and consumers.

You can still register to attend EBAday 2022 in Vienna, Austria on the 31st of May and 1st of June.

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Comments: (1)

Fritz Thomas Klein

Fritz Thomas Klein CEO at Independent Mind

The limit of instant payment usage at the pont-of-sale is described as the merchant providing the customer with the IBAN to make the instant payment to. Request-to-Pay is described as the solution to this problem.But this only shifts the problem from one side to the other. Now the customer must provide the merchant with the IBAN ro which the merchant has to send the Request-to-Pay. Far simpler would be for the mercahnt to provide he customer at the point-of-sahe with a QR code containing all details for the instant payment to be made. The customer pick this QR code up in his mobile banking app and intiates an nstant payent to the merchant. This would be a simple and frictionless process.