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Anti Financial Crime and the launch of HotScan

Jan Macek, Vice President Financial Sector & Global Leader, CGI Anti Financial Crime solutions, speaks at Sibos 2018 in Sydney about why Anti Financial Crime should be on the priority list of todays financial industry, where the biggest challenges in fighting against financial crime are and the launch of the new version CGI HotScan.

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Comments: (1)

Victor Van Rij
Victor Van Rij - EUIRD - Duivendrecht 28 December, 2018, 12:37Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Mr. Macek, states that "the client" demands delivery of sevices like instant payments in seconds. This seems logic for normal sales activities where shopkeepers and internet salesman want to have immediate payment for their goods and services, but it is very doubtful for international paymenst of larger sums of money (like thousands of dollars)  that are internationally transfered immediately without any contractual basis. This seems to be used mainly by criminal clients and is clearly not the demand of normal clienst that only can be robbed because of this  kind of (irrevocable) transfers in seconds.
