
The Future of Payments: How to Accelerate Digital Transformation in Payments

The last decade has seen an acceleration in the rate at which banks are being encouraged, or required, to innovate and transform their business.


With PSD2 and GDPR now in action, questions are being raised about whether this was a success for the payments market and whether legacy structures need to be shaken up as the status of real-time payments and open banking initiatives in Europe become complicated.

Banks are also having to contend with the likes of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Alibaba as they figure out the best way to deliver API-based, contextual financial services in an open ecosystem, especially when the suite of tools that artificial intelligence offers is being leveraged by Big Techs.

Finextra’s The Future of Payments 2019 report will explore how financial institutions are transforming the cash management process to provide newer and more innovative solutions for liquidity, payments and electronic banking.

The report looks at how banks are revising core operations following the implementation of regulations such as PSD2 across the European Union and discusses open banking initiatives that have blossomed in other parts of the world after learning from the mistakes made in the UK.

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The Future of Payments: How to Accelerate Digital Transformation in Payments