ABN Amro poaches Commerzbank CTO Carsten Bittner

The Supervisory Board of ABN AMRO intends to appoint Carsten Bittner (Lippstadt, Germany 1971) as Chief Innovation & Technology Officer (CI&TO) and member of the Executive Board (ExBo) for a period of four years as of 1 January 2023, subject to approval by the European Central Bank (ECB).

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ABN AMRO will convene an extraordinary general meeting to introduce Carsten Bittner prior to his actual appointment.

Carsten Bittner is currently Chief Technology Officer at Commerzbank AG. Before joining Commerzbank, he held various management positions at international media and services group Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA and Accenture.

ABN AMRO CEO Robert Swaak: 'I am very much looking forward to the arrival of Carsten Bittner. Carsten is an authority on IT and innovation strategy and has a strong track record as a leader in complex commercial organisations in change. He will be central to ABN AMRO’s strategy to become a personal bank in a digital age with a strong focus on our clients.'

Carsten Bittner holds German nationality, is married and has two children. He holds a PhD as an economist from the University of Karlsruhe.

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