Electronic IDentification, a qualified electronic signature and identity verification solutions company, launches HelloID, a solution aimed mainly at the financial and governmental sectors, which allows to build any Digital Onboarding process in hours.
Customer Digital Onboarding: from months to hours
Given the importance of cu stomer onboarding in highly regulated environments, HelloID is a game changer for the eTrust industry through a unique and disruptive technology. A solution that enables financial sector companies and governments to reduce their time to market from months to hours, improving their conversion and reducing their acquisition costs in full compliance with eIDAS regulation across the European Union.
The solution presented offers a complete catalogue of trust services (identification, authentication, electronic signature...) with an end-to-end process that reduces friction and provides the necessary tools to create new types of conversations to support different use cases (opening a bank account, signing a contract, requesting a credit line...), adapting to all the different levels of security required. HelloID leverages Electronic IDentification's expertise in technology, regulation, and user experience to offer a flexible, easy-to-use, and easy-to-integrate solution.
"The development of this type of project usually takes between six and eight months. Because of the momentum we are in, we are seeing more and more companies needing digital solutions that allow them to expand both nationally and across Europe. HelloID sets an unparalleled precedent as it can be consumed much faster and allows any company, whether it is a multinational or a startup, to quickly integrate any onboarding process" comments Iván Nabalón, Founder and CEO of Electronic IDentification.
AML and financial sector regulation
The financial sector with the AML directive, and Europe with the eIDAS regulation, have led the way in the current regulation to accommodate a strong and user-friendly digital identity. This strong digital identity, as indicated by the European Commission after announcing its European Digital Identity project, is necessary to enable truly global digitalisation and to facilitate the exchange of information between institutions and organisations.
"The regulation we have been working with for almost 10 years, the technology and the push of the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the need for this type of solution. Everything converges to make a strong digital identity, accessible to citizens and easy to use and integrate for the companies that need it", adds Iván Nabalón.
As an established global provider and European market leader in video identification and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) solutions, Electronic IDentification is currently the only qualified service provider in Europe that can perform video identification and issue a qualified certificate in an end-to-end process in Europe, with a process time of less than one minute, all with the highest degree of technical security and legal compliance equivalent to face-to-face identification.