GemaTrade and TTC Solutions today announces the launch of MiTurret, the first software only screen based voice trading turret.
MiTurret is a revolutionary new solution which resides on the Trader Voice Anywhere (TVA) Cloud. It provides a simple, cost effective way for all capital market firms to replace existing turret systems with a screen-based solution (using existing PC, tablet and laptop devices) providing immediate global free seating. This includes fully compliant recording capabilities, regardless of location, in a secure, high quality environment with zero capex investment requirements. TTC is driving global sales and marketing activities for TVA and MiTurret.
MiTurret is a unique, voice trading solution providing users with the flexibility to share private lines and ISDN/SIP trunks within their existing turret infastructure, (unique shared lines and speakers). It also gives the ability to log-in anywhere ‘in-the-world access’ to all customer lines in a secure, fully voice recorded environment.
MiTurret empowers users to upgrade legacy hardware, quickly and easily, to the latest screen-based, dynamic trading turret either as part of a big-bang project or if running two solutions concurrently, sharing lines. This enables trader mobility, system expansion, business continuity and global free seating to be delivered immediately. Split trading rooms using shared lines can be fully accommodated as the carrier lines remain on the existing system and enable global access by all MiTurret users. It’s inherent flexibility enables users to choose their preferred platform as MiTurret is fully compatible with PCs, laptops, tablets etc., accessible via most public and private browsers or dedicated links to the TVA Cloud.
Mike Todd (CEO TTC Solutions) said. “All financial firms are under intense pressure to reduce costs and satisfy all their regulatory and compliance obligations while, at the same time, maintaining the highest levels of customer service. This is no easy task. With solutions already deployed in London, Singapore, Middle East and China, MiTurret opens up a wealth of opportunities that were previously unavailable to the industry. Rapid deployment, easy to maintain with very attractive, highly flexible commercial terms, what’s not to like? TTC is delighted to be part of this game changing initiative and believe that MiTurret is the turret of the future.”