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Inetco Insight gets upgrade

Source: Inetco

Inetco Systems Limited, specialists in real-time transaction data applications, today announced the release of Inetco Insight 7.

Combining real-time payment data acquisition, a highly configurable rules-based alerting engine and adaptive machine learning capabilities, INETCO Insight 7 features a fraud configuration designed to help financial institutions and payment processors to:
• Detect and isolate front-end payment fraud attacks in real-time
• Reduce revenue loss associated with breaches to payment switches and internal systems
• Improve risk scoring precision so legitimate customers are not blocked from accessing their accounts
Available as an On-Premise or Cloud hosted solution, INETCO Insight 7 is the perfect answer for any sized bank, credit union, independent ATM deployer or payment processor that is keen to evolve their payment fraud strategy and implement an adaptive solution for:
• Real-time suspicious activity monitoring, card-present fraud, card-not-present fraud and transaction reversal fraud
• Real-time transaction risk scoring, payment outlier detection and the blocking of offending card transactions at the IP or firewall level
• Real-time detection of “man-in-the-middle” attacks, cash-out attacks and increased security of the payments switch
INETCO Insight 7 instantly screens for transaction behavioral anomalies such as EMV fallbacks or reversal rates, high withdrawal velocity, abnormal numbers of high-value transactions and suspicious repeat card usage at specific ATM or POS terminal locations. Payments data is continuously fed into a rules-based alerting engine and an adaptive machine learning model that examines transactions in real-time, rebuilds individual customer risk models on the fly, and extracts behavioral patterns from past card transactions that signal potential fraud.

“Real-time transaction risk scoring on an individual customer basis is a game changing advancement from existing approaches that only rebuild customer models as part of a scheduled batch ETL (extract, transform and load) process,” says Ugan Naidoo, CTO of INETCO. “The result is more precise risk scores for all types of card-present and card-not-present transactions, a streamlined escalation process and less customer friction.”

INETCO Insight 7 also removes the common challenge associated with acquiring real-time data across disparate data stores, multiple channels and different data update frequencies. Rich contextual information related to each payment transaction is independently captured - straight off the network and in real-time - while remaining out of band so that no delays or points of failure are introduced. All the various message fields, metadata, response/request timings and network communications information contained within each transaction are automatically parsed out, making it possible to leverage this data for immediate investigation, adaptive behavioral analytics and forecasting.

Multi-link correlation capabilities provide a one-stop view into the entire round trip transaction path, making it easy to audit every end-to-end payment transaction journey independently of the payment switch. If there has been malware placed on a system that overrides existing fraud controls and is responsible for a “man-in-the-middle” or an ATM cash-out type of attack, financial institutions and processors will instantly know when a front-end ISO transaction is not married with a back-end database transaction, or if there have been modified fields in the request/response message.  

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