FIME offers consultancy and testing services to support the development and launch of software-based mobile point of sale (softPOS) solutions.
SoftPOS developers can now ensure the functionality, interoperability and security of their applications prior to launch.
SoftPOS solutions are completely software-based. They use the near field communication (NFC) functionality of smartphones to accept contactless card or mobile payments using a commercial off-the-shelf mobile device. As a consequence, such solutions are also often referred to as Tap on Phone or Tap to Phone.
“Micro merchants have traditionally taken cash, but they are crying out for cheaper, simpler digital ways to accept payments,” comments Olli-Pekka Palmu, Manager of Terminal Services at FIME. “We have already supported several successful softPOS projects and have now formalized our services. Vendors can now ensure their apps align with the latest scheme specifications, test plans and security requirements to empower micro merchants with high-quality, trusted acceptance. All on a mobile device. This will help to accelerate card and mobile payment acceptance.”
“FIME’s expertise and tools were invaluable during the development of our softPOS solution,” adds Berat Ergür, Senior Project Manager at Provision. “Their knowledge of global and local requirements and technical abilities gave us the agility to get ahead of the competition on the road to mobile acceptance for increasingly cashless societies, and helped our SoftPOS solution to become one of the first fully certified solutions in the world.”