IPC pushes into the Greek, Cypriot and Balkan market

IPC, a leading global provider of secure, compliant networking solutions and communications for global financial market participants, has announced a partnership with one of the largest IT and telecommunications companies in Greece and Cyprus, Cosmos Business Systems, to extend IPC’s product suite into the region.

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The new collaboration is set to capitalise on the upward trajectory of the Greek financial sector. S&P’s recent EMEA Financial Institutions Monitor views the economic risk trend in Greece as positive. The global ratings agency expects Greece’s GDP to grow around 2.4 percent from 2018 to 2021, and that stable economic growth coupled with improving investor confidence in Greece could translate into a more supportive environment for the banking sector.

“Having access to liquidity and trading venues is vital for financial services anywhere in the world. IPC’s technology and the connected global ecosystem it provides is unique,” said Elias Rizos, Telecom Division Director at Cosmos Business Systems. “With 20 plus years’ experience in the Greek and Cypriot markets, we’re excited to combine our local experience with IPC’s state-of-the-art communications technology to boost access to financial services in the region.”

The partnership has already proven successful in Cyprus with Cosmos Business Systems recently onboarding RCB Bank. The customer, one of the largest financial institutions in Cyprus, upgraded its IPC Alliance solution to IPC’s Unigy platform for unified communications.

“As a bank, connectivity, communication and compliance are always at the forefront of our mind and with employees becoming increasingly mobile it is vital that solutions are easy to use,” said Christos Demosthenous, Head of Payments & AML Systems - IT Manager at RCB Bank. “Cosmos Business Systems has installed and managed IPC’s Unigy technology across our offices, and we are delighted with the flexibility and accessibility is has provided us to date.”

IPC’s unified communications platform - Unigy - gives financial organisations greater control, flexibility and a fully functioning integrated communications solution. It provides an array of capabilities for monitoring, managing and maintaining a firm’s trading communication infrastructure. The broad range of market participants relying on IPC’s solutions has become an integral part of one of the world’s largest and most diverse financial ecosystems, which provides reliable, secure access interconnecting global financial centers and allowing connectivity between more than 6,400 market participant locations across 750 cities in more than 60 countries.

“Europe has always been a very dynamic financial market, by teaming up with best-of-breed partners across the region IPC technology can reach further than ever before connecting financial market participants from across the globe,” said Maria-Angelica Latorre, Global Head of Channel Management at IPC. “We’re thrilled to work with a partner that reflects our own customer-first mentality and we’re looking forward to seeing the development across the region.”

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