AiX debuts AI broker to bridge cryptocurrencies and traditional financial market

Source: AiX

AiX announces the first artificial intelligence broker to bridge the worlds of cryptocurrencies and traditional financial markets.

AiX will use a chatbot to disrupt the traditional brokerage model, executing trades on behalf of traders and reducing commissions by up to 95%. It will use machine learning technology to automatically discover the best deals for traders, heralding a new age of democratised financial systems.

Jos Evans, a former broker, and founder and CEO of AiX, says: “I spent more than a decade working as a trader and broker, ultimately building and selling my own brokerage firm, Red Ops Ltd. I know from first-hand experience that Interdealer Brokers are expensive, inefficient and opaque. They are a hangover from the 1980s. Open outcry trading has already almost entirely been replaced by electronic markets, it’s time to replace the IDB dinosaurs.”

AiX is building a hugely disruptive trading tool, made possible by using the latest blockchain technology for proof and transparency. Trading eligibility in the form of KYC and AML information will be recorded on the blockchain, ensuring regulatory requirements are met. Additionally, every trade will write an Evidence Tree to the blockchain, which provides a complete, auditable record of the data and decisions used to make the trade.

Jos Evans continues: “Cryptocurrencies are fast approaching $200 billion in market capitalisation. That is still only a rounding error in global financial markets, but investors and traders are starting to take notice. We will bridge the gap between cryptocurrencies and traditional financial markets, allowing cross-market trades using the simplest of interfaces, a chatbot. Most importantly, we will use artificial intelligence to optimise every trade.”

Artificial intelligence has now reached the point that it can replace traditional broker roles of price discovery and cross-market execution, even for over-the-counter (OTC) trades or when accessing dark pools of liquidity. AiX’s artificial intelligence engine is powered by Rainbird, the first auditable cognitive reasoning engine.

Artificial intelligence and automated decision-making are heralding the fourth industrial revolution. With AiX, brokers and market makers will be replaced by an AI-powered engine which will promote greater efficiency and democratisation in the financial markets.

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