Dovetail completes instant payment tests with Intesa Sanpaolo and EBA Clearing

Dovetail, the provider of best-in-class payments and liquidity management solutions, has today announced the successful completion of business level flow testing with the EBA Clearing pan-European instant payment infrastructure platform.

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The test success, undertaken in partnership with the leading European bank Intesa Sanpaolo, makes Dovetail the first vendor able to offer a fully tested solution ready to support future users of the new EBA Clearing system in sending and receiving payment transactions complying with the SEPA Credit Transfer Instant (SCT Inst) Scheme of the European Payments Council. The EPC Scheme and the EBA Clearing infrastructure platform will go live on the same date in November 2017.

Martin Coen, CEO of Dovetail, commenting on the news said, "All Dovetail solutions are based on the Dovetail Transaction Architecture, built to support real-time payments. We continue to expand our support for real-time schemes worldwide as markets and our customers require. Our range of solutions can be deployed alongside existing payment systems, as a Smart Gateway Solution, or provide complete payment processing as a Payment Solution - supporting one or more schemes globally. Being the first in adding SCT Inst to the growing list of real-time payment schemes we support, demonstrates Dovetail's readiness to provide banks across Europe with leading edge best-in-class solutions that deliver a critical market advantage -- now and into the future."

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