EMerchantPay introduces the One Time Token

Source: eMerchantPay

eMerchantPay, the trusted and experienced payment service provider, introduces One Time Token, a tokenisation service that will allow non-PCI-compliant merchants to collect card data on their checkout page.

One Time Token
The One Time Token (OTT) service makes it easy for merchants to capture card information on their own payment forms, without the actual card data passing through their servers or web site, reducing the burden of PCI DSS compliance. The OTT service is currently for tokenising credit/debit card payments only, and is not applicable for tokenising other payment types such as Alternative Payment Methods (APMs).

How does it work?
When a customer purchases something on your web site and uses a credit card to checkout, the One Time Token service encrypts the card data into a one-off token and sends it securely to our payment gateway. Our gateway decrypts the token and then sends the card data to the acquiring bank for processing.

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