Virtual Piggy pivots to real time P2P

Source: Virtual Piggy

Within the first 90 days of signing on as the New CEO of Virtual Piggy, John Coyne has transitioned the technology base of the company from a payment card system to a Real Time Peer to Peer (P2P) mobile system to focus on where its target audience lives and communicates.

The P2P system is now in its second generation and has been adapted to accommodate management's new implementation of its Real Time Regulatory Oversight system (ReTRO). ReTRO is designed to overcome the gaps in transaction processing for the under 17 market and opens opportunity for users, vendors and network providers to be fully compliant in dealing with this market sector that influences nearly $260 billion in annual spending in the US alone.

Virtual Piggy has the distinction of being the only under 17 payment system that has patents on its Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) methods. The company is extending its protection through the use of ReTRO which architecture, management used previously, to solve the complexities of the insurance industry. Management has identified the Federal Rules together with the state by state nuances in COPPA interpretation to create a system utilizing artificial intelligence techniques (AI) to ensure total compliance for all privacy concerns.

Further ReTRO includes the rules governing inter-state commerce to ensure that all transactions between the company, its users and vendors are fully compliant.

The process maps all the rules from the statutes to the regulatory interpretations state by state. Thus any regulator can view any Virtual Piggy transaction and see that every transaction is compliant. It is hidden behind the payment system and monitors transactions, vendors, and users alike for safety, privacy protection, security and convenience.

This means protection for vendors as well. Now vendors utilizing the Virtual Piggy system can be assured that they too are fully compliant.

John Coyne the CEO of Virtual Piggy states; "ReTRO is based on the latest in semantically designed systems and will be a breakthrough for all payments transacted on mobile systems or online networks. This is important as many vendors don't even know that they are not in compliance until they're contacted from a regulator. This miscue can be expensive to repair in fines, sanctions, demands for remediation and loss of reputation. ReTRO will bring confidence to the market that the privacy and complexity of transactions is ensured while being a convenient method of making payments for the entire family – not just the under 17's."

ReTRO will be the basis of other innovations that the company intends to implement to make its payment system the most advanced in the world.

In addition to US regulations, ReTRO will be adopted to any sovereign compliance regulations throughout the globe and will enable its payment systems to be utilized worldwide.

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