Since 10 October, Telekurs Financial has been providing data from the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges in real time.
Seven further stock market real time feeds will be added gradually by March 2006.
With the exception of a few major trading centres such as Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore, prices on Asian exchanges have been delivered to clients as closing prices until now. As stock market activity becomes more international – especially in the case of companies with a global focus – trading in other Asian stocks is becoming increasingly attractive.
Telekurs Financial has therefore decided to offer a total of nine Asian markets in real time. The first in line were the Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchanges, which went live on 10 October. Three Taiwanese, three Korean exchanges and one Filipino exchange will follow in stages until March 2006.
"Our stated goal is to offer our clients the broadest possible range of data, tailored to their needs," says Fritz Hediger, Head of Marketing and Sales at the head office of Telekurs Financial in Zurich. "And we are planning to expand our data offering even further."