P&H Solutions signs for MessageWay's managed file transfer services

Source: MessageWay Solutions

MessageWay Solutions, Inc. of Livonia, Michigan, a leading provider of B2B e-commerce solutions, today announced that their flagship B2B product - MessageWay - has been selected by P&H Solutions to serve as the messaging backbone of their banking application service.

P&H Solutions is the leading provider of web-based business banking solutions to North American banks, offering both outsourced and on-premise solution delivery. More than 150 financial institutions in the United States and US Territories use P&H Web Cash Manager to deliver a broad range of banking products and services to their customers. With the explosive growth of their outsourcing service, P&H began to look for more efficient and reliable ways to manage the data exchange between their clients, their clients' customers and their internal application servers.

Faouzi Kassab, Senior Vice President of Development and Quality Assurance at P&H, explains, "The growth trajectory of our outsourcing business pointed out a real need for an improved approach to exchanging information with the expanding number of customers we service." P&H looked at a number of competing solutions before selecting MessageWay earlier this year.

According to Kassab, P&H's requirements list was extensive. "We needed a proven managed file transfer solution with strong dependability and scalability credentials. But in addition, we were looking for integrated job scheduling and execution that also addressed our requirement of supporting multiple time zones. MessageWay was the only solution that met those stringent requirements."

Greg Faubert, president of MessageWay Solutions, was enthusiastic about the new relationship. "We're extremely pleased to be selected by the top banking application service provider as their backbone solution. MessageWay is the managed file transfer backbone for a number of global financial institutions. We also provide B2B gateway solutions to a number of Value Added Networks. Working in the ASP space is a logical extension of our business."

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