CFN Services, a leading provider of managed services for the capital markets, announces the availability of NASDAQ eSpeed Market Data, the U.S. Treasury securities electronic trading platform on the Alpha Platform.
Trading firms can now access the NASDAQ eSpeed market feeds in native exchange format over CFN's ultra-low latency Alpha Platform at dozens of distribution points across North and South America, Europe and Asia. The fixed income data joins a growing roster of equities, futures and options data, all available in full-depth, native formats. In addition, eSpeed - along with other select feeds such as equities, futures and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) - is further accelerated across the Alpha Platform via microwave distribution.
"The addition of eSpeed Market Data further enhances the Alpha Platform as a single source for the highest performance trading infrastructure and data available globally," says Mark Casey, President and CEO of CFN Services. "Enabling a broad range of full-depth native feeds simplifies integration for market participants, while maintaining the lowest latency available in an outsourced solution."
UltraFast Market Data delivers native format feeds leveraging the combined performance and availability of both fiber and microwave distribution networks. Delivery of the feeds in native format offers market participants the flexibility to normalize data with their own proprietary feed handlers and ticker plant technology, or via off-the-shelf solutions integrated on the Alpha Platform through CFN's Alpha Alliance partners. CFN Services continues to add new feeds, improve reliability and simplify market data delivery with UltraFast Market Data on the Alpha Platform.