This morning, Toronto Stock Exchange experienced technical difficulties with symbols beginning with M to Z.
Our initial investigation indicated that a problem occurred as the market moved from the pre-open session to the market opening. The problem was rectified and the affected symbols moved into a pre-open period at 11:00 a.m. and resumed trading at 11:15 a.m. TMX Select, TMX Group's alternative trading system, operated normally for all Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange symbols. TSX Venture Exchange also operated normally throughout this period.
Tom Kloet, CEO, TMX Group made the following statement:
"TMX Group regrets this unfortunate and rare disruption to our normal market operations and the inconvenience this caused our customers. Technical and market operations teams went into action immediately, focusing on restoring the market to full operational performance as rapidly as possible. We are continuing to investigate the root cause to ensure that the problem
does not recur."
Multiple communications channels were employed to keep the market informed throughout the disruption, including trader notes, direct communication to affected listed issuers, website updates and news releases.