Global Payment Technologies, Inc. (GPT) today announced that it had procured further funding from a private Australian investor, Mr. David M. Dickinson.
Mr. David Dickinson has made a major investment in the company and has been appointed to the Board of Directors.
David is the owner of Dickinson's Metallurgical Supplies Pty Ltd (DMS) from its origin in 1993. He has been involved in the metallurgical industry for 40 years. DMS is regarded as a market leader in the importation, distribution and packaging of raw materials into Australia. David is also involved in a number of other companies and sits on several Australian Boards.
Andre Soussa, Chairman and CEO said "We are delighted with David Dickinson's involvement. The funding provides GPT with working capital to expand its operations. David brings a fresh business perspective to the board which further solidifies the board of directors." The board is now comprised of the following members; Andre Soussa (Chairman), David M. Dickinson, Steven Hugh Crisp, Robert William Nader and Richard E. Gerzof.
GPT is now positioned to produce results given all of the changes and investments made over the last 18 months.
GPT is a United States based designer, manufacturer and marketer of automated currency acceptance and validation systems used to receive and authenticate currencies in a variety of payment applications worldwide. GPT's proprietary and patented technologies are among the most advanced in the industry.