Online stock analysis tool BetterInvesting gets upgrade

Source: BetterInvesting

At a crucial time for Americans to build and preserve wealth, BetterInvesting, a long-established nonprofit investment education organization, is leading the way with innovative, online solutions to empower investors to take control of their financial futures.

The organization recently released an enhanced version of its easy-to-use, unique Web-based program empowering users to easily and conveniently analyze stocks.

BetterInvesting's Online Stock Selection Guide (SSG) is a powerful tool, using financial data from Standard & Poor's, that helps investors select and compare stocks. The Online SSG helps answer two crucial questions: Is this investment in a quality company? Is the stock selling at a reasonable price? More than 14,500 members are now actively using the Online SSG tool to build wealth, meet retirement needs or achieve other long-term financial goals.

The overwhelming feedback from early adopters of the improved tool has highlighted many customer-driven features, which appeal to both beginning and expert investors. Jane Ekholm, a BetterInvesting member from Minnesota, said, "I'm understanding the Online SSG much better and it's helping me make better stock decisions." And Irene Jondahl, a member from Oklahoma, recently commented, "After the last demo showing the new, added features, I am much more impressed with what I can do!" Designed to build confidence, the solution helps users access valuable information quickly and comprehensively, using fundamental analysis principles that lead to superior investment decisions.

"We update our Online SSG a few times every year based on feedback from our members," said Suzi Artzberger, director, information services, BetterInvesting. She continued, "Many of our members are individual investors using sound, time-tested principles and methodologies. We make sure our online tools evolve to continuously meet their needs. In our latest enhancement, we have included improved research links, the ability to swiftly e-mail or export a stock study, as well as an improved way of selecting forecasted stock price 'high' and 'low' options."

Another unique feature of the newest Online SSG allows users to access company studies that have been completeeted by fellow members over the past 90 days. Called the "Member Sentiment," this feature encourages investors to check their judgments against those of others. The Online SSG update also includes additional functionality to help investors refine their judgments and expectations of future returns.

Users can test the Online SSG for free by going to To learn more about BetterInvesting, or to become a member of the world's largest nonprofit investment education organization, visit

Since 1951, BetterInvesting, the brand identity of the National Association of Investors Corporation, has helped over 5 million people become better, more informed investors. BetterInvesting, based in Madison Heights, Mich., helps its members build wealth through local, regional and national learning events as well as through Web-based tools, software, member publications and online resources. As the nation's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to investment education, it provides investing knowledge and practical investing experience through local investment clubs, local volunteer chapters, online courses and an active online community. BetterInvesting and its subsidiary, ICLUBcentral, currently serve over 120,000 investors.

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