Desjardins Securities has been a ValueOne client since 2005 and has seen significant improvements in the productivity of its overall business.
The Desjardins Securities sales force and management team have embraced PriceMetrix tools and guidance to maximize business efficiency. "PriceMetrix reports empower ValueOne users to easily understand and evaluate their business and to reach their business goals by correcting those areas that affect overall productivity," says Bruno Desmarais, Desjardins Securities Vice-President. Bruno and his team look forward to continued business progress and success in the renewed partnership with PriceMetrix.
"We are delighted that Desjardins Securities has decided to extend the business relationship between our organizations," says Jeff Marsden, PriceMetrix Vice-President Client Group. "We look forward to deepening our partnership with Desjardins Securities and to bringing more innovative business practice solutions to their sales force in the coming years."