Trading Technologies International, Inc. (TT) today announced the release of X_TRADER 7.6, the newest version of TT's market leading professional derivatives trading platform. X_TRADER 7.6 adds new features that enhance functionality, usability, deployment and user administration.
"In this tough economy, traders are demanding more and more from their trading platforms. We have to stay ahead of the curve and innovate every day. This new version of X_TRADER incorporates a number of cutting-edge enhancements and should give our customers an advantage," said Harris Brumfield, CEO of TT.
X_TRADER 7.6 significantly improves performance across all major functional areas, including price updates, order handling, contract loading and workspace opening. X_TRADER 7.6 benefits from TT's upcoming PFX price protocol architecture, which maximizes the speed of price delivery, minimizes the size of price messages, reduces client interactions with the price server and achieves faster price recovery in network outage scenarios. The breakthroughs in PFX design and architecture have produced greater than a 10-fold increase in data throughput capacity while further optimizing machine resources.
X_TRADER 7.6 also provides traders with additional market insight and decision support by adding new ways to filter and manipulate the display of market data, price movements and specific trading activity at the most detailed level. Any X_TRADER user could potentially benefit from these enhancements, which include:
* The ability to highlight large trades and apply different filters to multiple products in the Time & Sales window.
* "Live Only", which when enabled will display only those contracts with an active bid, ask or last traded price in the Market Grid window. This feature is especially useful for options and energy traders.
* Usability enhancements that make it easier to add, subtract, highlight and manage data in the Market Grid window.
* Advanced search capabilities to more easily locate spreads, strategies and options in the Market Explorer window.
Additionally, new Autospreader® functionality in X_TRADER 7.6 provides users with even more flexibility to control and refine their spread trading strategies to potentially improve results. Forprov. Forprove results. For example:
* Synthetic spreads are now displayed and tradable in the Market Grid window.
* "Smart Quote Limit" helps manage the re-pricing of quoting orders.
* "Base Volume Lean" quantifies the minimum number of contracts a quoting leg order needs to lean against.
* "Do Not Hedge" disables the sending of an automatic hedge order upon a quoting order fill.
* Quoting logic enhancements prohibit a quoting order from leaning on a price when both the bid and ask are at the same price level.
Lastly, key "under the hood" enhancements simplify certain aspects of X_TRADER deployment and user administration. These new features will benefit a firm's administrators and IT support personnel.
X_TRADER 7.6 is now available globally.