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Young Brits find financial jargon harder to learn than a foreign language

Source: Klarna

Today, Klarna, the AI-powered global payments network and shopping assistant, is calling for whoever wins the UK General Election to prioritise financial inclusion in the national curriculum, following survey results showing many UK young adults think mastering money terms is harder than learning to speak a new language.

In a study of 2,000 adults commissioned by Klarna as part of the company’s push for greater transparency in financial services, it was found that 64 per cent of Gen Z believe picking up basic foreign words is easier than mastering money terms like APR, capital gains and compound interest.

Millennials face similar obstacles, with 57 per cent considering financial terms to be more difficult than leaning a foreign tongue.

The survey also revealed the top 10 confusing pieces of financial jargon, which were:

AMC (Asset Management Company)
IFA (Independent Financial Adviser)
Adverse Credit
Nominal Interest Rate
Debt Relief Order
AER (Annual Equivalent Rate)
CCJ (County Court Judgement)
Compound Interest Rate

Klarna already avoids using these pieces of jargon wherever possible, and will be releasing a redesigned app featuring an AI-powered shopping assistant, fluent in over 35 languages.
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The study also revealed that 31 per cent of those surveyed believe schools should prioritise teaching students financial literacy over foreign languages.

A spokesperson for Klarna says: “Whoever wins the UK General Election needs to respond to these findings. Whilst foreign languages of course open up opportunities and cultural experiences, financial inclusion is just as important. That’s why we’re calling for the next Government to ensure parity of esteem between financial literacy and the teaching of foreign languages.”

The research was commissioned by Klarna to mark the launch of its ‘Financial Takeaway‘ series with rapper-chef Big Zuu and finance expert Bola Sol, to help improve the nation’s understanding of complex financial terms.

The Big Zuu X Klarna Financial Takeaway Series is now available to view on Klarna UK’s YouTube channel.

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