Derbyshire switches ATM network to Diebold

Derbyshire switches ATM network to Diebold

The UK's Derbyshire Building Society has contracted with Diebold for the supply of 24 through-the-wall Opteva 760 ATMs and an Opteva 520 branch machine.

As part of the agreement, the vendor will also be responsible for upgrading a number of branch and remote cash dispenser units.

John Gaunt, director of information technology at the Derbyshire, says: "Diebold was able to offer a comprehensive implementation programme, which working with our technical team, will see the whole of our ATM estate replaced or upgraded before the end of November this year."

The units will operate on Diebold's Agilis platform, an open system that allows multiple vendors' terminals and their respective technologies to co-exist. The software also enables channel integration with Web services and browser-based screens, personalised transactions and one-to-one marketing.

Diebold says its Opteva range allows new features to be added easily and cost efficiently and include full colour displays that can be used for high impact video promotions, messages and campaigns. The ATMs also have a additional security features, such as awareness mirrors and discreet security cameras installed into the fascia.

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