Cbot launches e-Cbot site as Eurex opens US charm offensive

Cbot launches e-Cbot site as Eurex opens US charm offensive

The Chicago Board of Trade has launched a Web site designed to help members prepare for the transition to the new electronic trading platform e-Cbot powered by Liffe Connect and the CME/Cbot clearing link. The move comes as European derivatives operation Eurex outlines its plans for creating a new domestic futures exchange to US regulators.

The e-Cbot Web site is designed to act as a ready medium for disseminating information about the change-over. With erstwhile trading platform partner Eurex waiting in the wings, the Cbot is keen to ensure a smooth migration to the new Liffe Connect system.

The Board of Trade says it will provide users forums, multiple simulation environments, and dedicated account managers to insure member and user readiness. The Web site will contain detailed functional information, API information and documentation, manuals and CBOT specificinformation. The site will also contain useful information for customers implementing floor technology.

The transition to Liffe Connect begins this month with preliminary connection testing, moving to simulated trading in October and system launch for products through to year-end. The platform will formally open for business on 2 January for trading in treasury, agency and agricultural contracts.

The Cbot's move comes amid hectic preparations in Chicago for the anticipated arrival of new domestic challenger Eurex in February. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange recently unveiled a raft of initiatives to encourage floor traders to do more business on-screen, and also moved to eliminate requirements for expensive dedicated lines for remote dealing.

Eurex executives yesterday made detailed presentations about the Exchange's plans to the Washington-based regulatory agency, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The Swiss/German derivatives exchange is expected to offer US dollar denominated treasury bond futures and other products which have traditionally been the preserve of the Chicago exchanges. The exchange is understood to be looking at the possibility of acquiring domestic upstart BrokerTec Futures should the licensing application process prove too onerous.

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