Moneyline Telerate to distribute primary dealer services

Moneyline Telerate to distribute primary dealer services

Moneyline Telerate is to distribute a suite of services from primary dealers over its terminal products or direct to clients' desktops and back office systems.

The vendor's Dealer Direct Services consist of analytics, portfolio and risk management tools, end-of-day pricing and other primary dealer assets. The service currently includes a yield book calculator - a fixed analytic tool focusing on individual securities, one for one or two for two swaps, as well as CSFB's global fixed income and convertible indices and constituents and Bear Stearns' daily pricing service, PricingDirect.

Users are also provided with integrated access to Deutsche Bank's institutional transaction platform, Autobahn, which offers trading on global government bonds, agencies and other fixed income securities via Moneyline Telerate's Momentum product and services.

Phil Cenatiempo, managing director, Dealer Direct Services, says: "The instantaneous global distribution we bring to the table in conjunction with this premier dealer content enables Moneyline Telerate and our dealer partners to reach a much broader group of funds, investment managers, banks, trust companies and other buyside constituents."

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