Iverson Financial Systems launches market data management service

Iverson Financial Systems launches market data management service

US market data technology firm Iverson Financial Systems has launched a data management outsourcing service for investment firms.

Iverson says its suite of outsourced services are designed to work with clients' existing systems, overseeing incumbent data streams and requiring no additional investment in new technology or data sources.

The new suite comprises of data source management (DSM) which provides both source and vendor monitoring, application development support (ADS), security master oversight (SMO) which oversees the contents of critical reference database, and a global data help desk (GHD) for 24/6 error tracking.

Kent Lazarus, president and COO, Iverson Financial Systems, says "Iverson's Outsourcing Services, whether used individually or in tandem, allow firms to target exactly the data issues that pertain to them and enable them to reach the goals of reliable, usable data, streamlined operations and reduced cost."

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