UK Debt Management Office live with ADP/OMR's TradeThru

UK Debt Management Office live with ADP/OMR's TradeThru

The UK Debt Management Office (DMO) has implemented ADP/OMR's TradeThru STP platform for the processing of securities, foreign exchange, money market and repurchase agreements at its offices in London.

TradeThru, formerly known as Trading Assistant, is a Java-based system that offers relational database independence and XML messaging. DMO is the first licensed Trading Assistant client to upgrade to TradeThru's Oracle platform and is currently a Beta site for the new technology.

ADP says it has completed the first phase of the conversion programme, converting the database from ISAM files to Oracle relational tables. The final phase of the TradeThru conversion will be completed by moving to the Java screens over the next six months.

Simon Slack, head of information technology at DMO, says: "Converting to the TradeThru technology will give us greater access to data, and the enhanced ability to generate ad-hoc/management reports."

TradeThru is a multi-product multi-entity and multi-currency STP solution for treasury and derivatives products. The system delivers automated front to back office functions throughout the lifecycle of a trade, including deal capture, portfolio and risk management functions, and confirmation and settlement.

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