Trema launches multi-instrument pricing module

Trema launches multi-instrument pricing module

Treasury systems vendor Trema has launched Pricing Kit, a new front office multi-instrument pricing module designed for use in conjunction with its flagship package Finance Kit.

The new module provides users with the price of any financial instrument handled by Finance Kit and allows them to compare market quotes. In addition, all Finance KIT figures are automatically updated in the pricing module.

The vendor says two multinational corporates have already purchased the module and will be implementing it with the latest version of Finance Kit.

Developed using Trema's object-oriented application programming interface (API), comKit, the new module extends the existing pricing functions of Finance KIT's calculation engine with a fast numerical algorithm, the Brent's method, allowing users to find prices quickly and easily.

Trema says the system also includes a pricing window where a search field can be plotted against the calculated figure. Users are able to display multiple deals at one time and produce graphs.

Robert Wennerström, head, corporate sales, Trema, notes that although there are other pricing tools available, none were designed to cater for the individual needs of the Finance Kit user.

He adds: "New modules such as Pricing Kit give Trema the opportunity to offer a single solution which still remains configured to the demands of the unique client."

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