RTS Realtime Systems moves to FIX 4.2

RTS Realtime Systems moves to FIX 4.2

Germany-based RTS Realtime Systems Group has launched a FIX application programming interface (API) to provide users of its Realtime Trading Desktop (RTD) with FIX connectivity.

Based on the FIX 4.2 standard, the platform provides FIX connectivity to over 45 exchanges, including Eurex, Liffe, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade, as well as to a range of electronic cash equity markets such as the London Stock Exchange, Euronext and Virt-X/SWX.

Steffen Gemünden, member of the RTS board, says: "With the launch of our RTD FIX API we make it even easier and more cost effective for our customers to connect their in-house application to the electronic markets around the globe."

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