Trintech's PayWare SmartPIN wins bank acquirer accreditation

Trintech's PayWare SmartPIN wins bank acquirer accreditation

Dublin based e-payments vendor Trintech has received acquirer approval for its PayWare SmartPIN system from Streamline Merchant Services, a member of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group.

The solution is being implemented by UK retailer Wilkinson in Northampton, where trials for Chip and PIN technology are due to start in May as an initial step towards national roll out.

The programme requires transactions made using chip-based credit and debit cards to be validated at the point-of-sale by a PIN number rather than by a signature.

Trintech says its system integrates with existing electronic point-of-sale (EPoS) infrastructure and includes PIN Pad hardware and an EMV application to enable chip card acceptance with PIN authentication in any EPoS system.

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