Bear Stearns live on Rolfe & Nolan

Bear Stearns live on Rolfe & Nolan

Bear Stearns has gone live with Rolfe & Nolan's task management software RANtask and automated reconciliation system RANrec for its futures and options processing.

Rolfe & Nolan says RANtask automates and schedules jobs, tasks and data exchange with other applications and systems on a local, regional or global basis.

RANrec, a module of the RANtask solution, can match files from any source and automatically highlights exceptions. The solution can also link with datastreams from exchanges such as Eurex, LCH and Cbot, and integrates with multiple host systems.

Jim McCarthy, European sales and marketing director, Rolfe & Nolan, says installation took just one week from contract signing to the complete system going live.

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