ABN Amro unveils new FX and trade finance tools

ABN Amro Bank has launched FxPro, a single sign-on Web-based portal for US corporate foreign exchange services.

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ABN Amro unveils new FX and trade finance tools


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With FxPro, North American mid-cap and large corporates, as well as financial institutions, will be able to access online services for deal execution, settlement instructions, research and reporting.

"FxPro was developed expressly to meet our North American clients' desires for an online foreign exchange medium," explains John Nelson, global head of foreign exchange, ABN Amro Bank. "With FxPro, clients choose the applications that are appropriate for their needs and deal in a straight-through processing environment."

The product is one of several new corporate software tools being unveiled by the Dutch bank at the AFP 2000 cash management conference. At the show, ABN Amro is also launching a new package of services for North American exporters as part of TradeStation Online, its Web-based trade finance platform for buyers and sellers of cross-border goods.

The bank says the new functionality - including capabilities for integration into sell-side supply chains - is in response to demand by North American exporters for a secure, low-risk, Web-based platform for tracking and monitoring payments and letters of credit information, whether advised through ABN Amro or any other bank.

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