EuroMTS to develop euro government bond indices

EuroMTS to develop euro government bond indices

EuroMTS has announced plans to create euro government bond indices calculated using prices from the MTS group of companies.

MTS Data in its raw form is currently distributed via market data vendors and offers transparency for market participants wishing to observe the wholesale bond market in real time.

EuroMTS has resolved to adopt, re-brand and expand CNO Etrix Indices, which are euro-dominated government bond indices currently controlled by the Comité de Normalisation Obligataire (CNO) and tracked within France, so that it becomes a European franchise.

The transition of the index from the CNO to MTS will not interrupt the production of the indices, says the company.

Gianluca Garbi, CEO of EuroMTS, says the development of euro government bond indices is in response to requests from European institutions on both the buy- and the sell-side.

"The combination of an existing franchise, an established index algorithm, the uniqueness of MTS Data and the level of interest expressed by the market makes us extremely enthusiastic for the potential of this project," adds Garbi.

EuroMTS has also announced plans to work with a partner to assist in the development of the series and negotiations are currently being held with candidates.

In October, FSTE Group acquired the Reuters Bondtop indices, to form the basis for a new global bond index series to include country and regional government bond indices, as well as corporate bond indices.

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