Deutsche Bank joins EquiLend

Deutsche Bank joins EquiLend

Deutsche Bank has become a participant in EquiLend's global securities lending platform.

The giant German bank is the first firm to join EquiLend's ten founding participants in the use of the platform, which currently offers daily access to more than $1 trillion in assets for borrowing.

Jean-Paul Musicco, managing director and global head of securities lending at Deutsche Bank, comments: "We strongly support the concept of a centralised hub built by the industry, and in EquiLend we see a powerful combination of efficient access to securities and new opportunities to streamline transaction processing."

Separately, EquiLend announced that it has delivered access to $120 billion in lending transactions since going live three months ago.

EquiLend founding firms are Barclays Global Investors, Bear, Stearns, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Northern Trust, State Street, and UBS Warburg.

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