Arab National Bank selects ACI for fraud detection

Arab National Bank has licensed ACI Worldwide's anti-money laundering and fraud detection software, Proactive Risk Manager.

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Arab National Bank selects ACI for fraud detection


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The system will enable the bank to monitor all aspects of account activity.

Ahmad Ashgan, general manager, IT, Arab National Bank, says: "The bank's ability to meet with local and international directives on money laundering and fraud will be greatly improved."

ACI says the solution monitors deposit and authorisation activity to detect merchant fraud and will provide the bank with an early warning of suspect activity.

Mark Vipond, president, ACI Worldwide, adds that the system can be fine-tuned by the user to cope with emerging patterns of fraudulent behaviour: "Custom scoring and the ability to rapidly deploy new rules are powerful key differentiators for our system, and they enable Arab National Bank to quickly identify and stop fraud before losses multiply."

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