Bear Stearns adopts RIXML investment research standard

Bear Stearns adopts RIXML investment research standard

Bear Stearns has entered an agreement with to use its RIXML (Research Information Exchange Mark-up Language) compliant software for tagging investment research.

RIXML is an XML-based (eXtensible Mark-up Language) standard designed to improve the process of categorising and distributing financial and investment research. Version 2 has just been published and expands its original equity research focus to include corporate fixed-income research and adds an events group and calendar.

Janet Li, managing director, equity research, Bear Stearns, says: "Web-based investment research delivery has for too long been dependent on read-only formats. The inherent limitation of read-only design makes comparative research a laborious process, which has increasingly hindered our clients’ ability to effectively interrogate multiple research documents to glean required information."

Under the agreement, Bear Stearns will employ researchsummary’s proprietary RIXML-based NavigateDepth software to tag its entire research production flow, without the need to change its research creation systems.

Bear Stearns will also contribute its PDF and RIXML-enabled research to the portal, joining existing contributors: ABN Amro, ING Barings, HSBC, Credit Lyonnais, WestLB Panmure and MTS Research.

Says Li: "The RIXML tagging standard built into researchsummary's NavigateDepth makes it easier for our clients to specify what kind of research they receive and filter this research by imposing their own investment criteria. At the same time, NavigateDepth enables us to formulate and immediately deliver the requested research results in a consistent and valid manner."

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