Caplin and weComm in mobile market data alliance

Caplin and weComm in mobile market data alliance

Caplin Systems and weComm Ltd have forged an alliance to deliver real-time market data to wireless devices, such as iPAQs and or JavaPhones.

The joint solution will incorporate weComm's Wave platform with Caplin's Real Time Text Protocol (RTTP) technology to allow traders and brokers to receive aggregated financial data and to initiate trades on the move, say the companies.

Features of the solution include real-time quotes delivery; live, real-time news scrolling and access to full news stories; quality charting; alerts; bi-directional data-streaming which allows full trading capability; profiling information, such as identity source; and instant messaging.

Paul Caplin, CEO, Caplin, says, "Our partnership with weComm means that the data delivery chain now extends seamlessly to wireless devices, enabling users to keep up with crucial price movements while away from their desks."

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