Ask Jeeves UK launches Money Channel

Ask Jeeves UK launches Money Channel

Ask Jeeves UK, the Web-based search engine, has launched a new Money Channel in order to meet the increasing demand from users for personal finance information.

The new channel, developed jointly between Ask Jeeves and online aggregator, is designed to provide answers for all popular personal finance questions, giving different options that link straight through to a number of financial sites depending on which option the user chooses.

A key feature of the site is Moneysupermarket's comparison tools, which enable users to compare rates from different financial providers on mortgages, savings accounts, personal and car loans, credit cards, utilities, travel insurance, and mini cash ISAs.

Further channels could be added in the future, say the companies.

Nick Mason Pearson, director of corporate communications at Ask Jeeves UK, comments: " are experts at building software comparison tools and have an unparalleled understanding of the online personal finance market, so they were a natural choice as a partner to help us create our Money Channel."

The Money Channel on can be accessed through the homepage or via any related financial question answer link.

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