CrestCo prepares to take on European depositories

CrestCo prepares to take on European depositories

CrestCo, which operates the settlement system for UK securities, is expanding the range of shares handled to include Eurotop 300 and all Nasdaq securities.

The move, made possible as a result of Crest's involvement with SIS SegaInterSettle in the development of The Settlement Network, significnatly extends Crest's cross-border reach to put it in contention with European operators Clearstream and Euroclear.

Both initiatives are scheduled to come into effect on Monday October 23 and represent a major expansion in the international reach of Crest settlement services which also span Swiss, German and Easdaq-listed securities.

Iain Saville the chief executive of CrestCo, says: "Through The Settlement Network we are making the settlement of France Telecom shares, for example, as simple as the settlement of BT shares".

CrestCo also announced record pre-tax profits of £19.7 million for the six months ending 30 June 2000 (£13.4 million in the first half of 1999). Turnover of £45.2 million was 50% higher than in the same period last year. This was largely due to an increase in transaction volumes, particularly in the first quarter when there was considerable retail enthusiasm for a wide range of technology stocks. Volumes have reduced from these levels, but have remained well above historic levels throughout the year.

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