GNI reconciles with SunGard

GNI reconciles with SunGard

GNI has selected SunGard eProcess Intelligence's intelliMatch EP software for the reconciliation of cash and securities items.

The brokerage firm will use intelliMatch EP initially to reconcile internal records to external agent banks, custodians and Crest. The solution will also be used to support the transfer of data between key trading, settlement and general ledger systems.

In the short term, GNI estimates it will reconcile approximately 20,000 cash events and 20,000 securities events daily. Looking ahead, the firm estimates a significant increase in the number of items that will be reconciled daily, concurrent with the anticipated growth of GNI's international business.

Mike Nelson, project implementation manager at GNI, comments: "As GNI continues its growth in the international equity and CFD markets, the company needs a suitable reconciliation system. IntelliMatch EP will help to improve our back-office processing, handle a growing number of trades, and provide transaction lifecycle management."

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